College Students Enrollment Procedure
Step 1: See the School Nurse to submit Medical Requirements and for further Medical Check.
Step 2: See DSS-Ms. Carol for the initial interview and assessment.
Step 3: ENGLISH APTITUDE TEST ( for Freshmen & New Students Only)
Pay Php200 at the cashier. Proceed to the Computer Lab, ECC Gym and see Ptr. Dave Ayog.
Present your receipt to take the test.
Step 4: Proceed to the HE Assistant Registrar-Ms. Ckristene to submit Admission Requirements and claim Enrollment Card. See the Academic Dean for program & course assessment.
Step 5: Proceed to the Finance Office for fees assessment. Claim your Student Assessment Card and pay 40% of school fees to the cashier.
Step 6: After Payment, make sure to claim your CLASS SLIPS from Ms. Ckristene and return accomplished Enrollment Card.
Enrollment Requirements
- Senior High School Report Card with Certificate of Good Moral
- Recommendation Letter from the Church Board/CMT
- Testimony/Conversion Story (before and after knowing Christ and his/her Christian Journey)
- PSA Birth Certificate
- Police Clearance (from the place of origin)
- Four copies of 2×2 colored picture with white background
- Non-refundable registration fee of Php500.00
- Transcript of Records/Honorable Dismissal (Transferees)
- English Proficiency Test (Php200.00)
- Drug Test
- Pregnancy Test
NOTE: Drug and Pregnancy Test must be taken one week before the enrollment.
If you are a Pastor’s Kid, submit also the following:
- A certificate from the DMS stating that your parents are actively serving in a CAMACOP church
- Photocopy of your parent’s CAMACOP ID