Message from the President

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” Psalm 116:7
Psalm 116 relates the gratitude of the Psalmist for God’s deliverance over difficult circumstances. His gratitude, coupled with a declaration of his affection for God, is explicitly articulated in his affirmation of God’s attributes as gracious, righteous, full of compassion and divine protector who saved him from a perilous situation.
In 2017, fresh from my four-month research at Asbury Seminary, I told my church that I would resign to devote time to my dissertation writing. I was looking forward then to a time when I could finally write my dissertation without interruptions. However, in June of that year, the Lord called me to be the EBCS President. At that time, I was wondering how I could write my dissertation while leading EBCS. There were nights when I could not sleep and my heart started to grow weary and restless. So, I cried out to the Lord and asked him to calm my heart, grant me peace and rest in Him.
Armed only with faith in the Lord and confidence that He shall guide and provided for the renovation of 10 buildings/facilities and additional funds for salary, bills, and other expenses. What is more amazing is that the Lord enabled me to finish my dissertation and graduate in time.
Indeed, there is no reason to be worried and restless because the Lord is good. The pandemic was probably the most difficult challenge EBCS faced. With 55 faculty and staff (some with families) and 42 students who were not able to go home due to the immediate implementation of the lockdown, the pressure and stress of ensuring that their needs were provided were unimaginable and unbearable. But the Lord blessed us immeasurably beyond our expectations. He did not only provide money for our needs but also for repairs and renovations. When the lockdown was lifted, we were able to repair more buildings and other essential facilities.
This academic year, we celebrated the 97th founding anniversary of EBCS.
In the brief time that God has allowed me to lead EBCS, I can attest to the goodness of the Lord and how He has delivered us from different difficult circumstances. Miracles after miracles, God steered us through the storms and reassured us time and again that He would never leave us.
Indeed, the goodness of the Lord is greater than our troubles, challenges, and worries and we can always find rest and comfort in Him!
Dr. Richard C. Rojas